Environmental Surveys and Wildlife Monitoring
Our team of qualified wildlife biologists have the knowledge to assist with conservation, regulatory compliance, and planning throughout the western US. We are familiar with Federal, State, and local regulations.
Federally protected species (Threatened and Endangered) including:
Wyoming pocket gopher
Preble's meadow jumping mouse
Dune sagebrush lizard trapping and research (occurrence and abundance estimation)
Black-footed ferrets nocturnal surveys
Peregrine falcon recovery (pre-delisting)
Lek surveys for greater sage-grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, and prairie chickens
Raptor nest identification and productivity status determination and breeding bird monitoring
Golden eagle monitoring and wind energy development
Bald and golden eagle winter roost surveys
Mountain plover presence absence surveys
Prairie dog colony mapping, distribution, and population estimating
Swift fox den, breeding, and distribution surveys
Bat acoustic monitoring (Anabat/SongMeter)
Additional Services
Federal and State permits for surveys, capturing, banding and handling particular species (see Research for more info)
Noise monitoring with high quality type 1 sound level meters
Density Disturbance Calculation Tool (DDCT) for projects within sage-grouse core areas in Wyoming
Point-count methods for species occurrence determination, especially for migratory birds
Big game migration, seasonal habitat, and concentration surveys
Seasonal habitat, concentration, and habitat surveys
Clearance surveys for pre-, during, and post- construction activities
Species inventory surveys
Vegetation Surveys
We have conducted a wide variety of vegetation and plant surveys for state, federally, and county designated sensitive plant species. We can evaluate areas for potential impacts to rare plant communities, design and implement mitigation measures to address impacts, and provide recommendations for activities.
Rare plant assessments
Habitat assessment
Rangeland health assessments
BLM sensitive species
Debris milkvetch
Tufted cryptantha
Beaver-rim phlox
Trelease’s milkvetch
Meadow milkvetch
Threatened and Endangered species
Piceance Basin - Dudley Bluffs twinpod and bladderpod
Ute ladies’- tresses
Blowout penstemon
North Park Phacelia
Hookless cactus
Jones cycladeria
Invasive and noxious weed surveys
Species identification and management training
Species inventory surveys
Shrub density evaluations and mapping
Baseline vegetation surveys and mapping