Aerial and Drone Surveys
Efficient, accurate, reliable. HWA utilizes aerial surveys for a variety of research applications including roosting locations, population estimation, big-game seasonal habitat use, winter concentration areas and spring breeding surveys.
When in the air, our biologists are equipped with resource-grade handheld computers with integrated GPS receivers or tablet computers with external GPS receivers for spatial data capture, attribution, editing, and navigation. Examples of aerial survey experience include:
Resource selection by greater sage-grouse during severe winter conditions, Great Divide Basin, Wyoming
Telemetry-based assessment of waterfowl nest depredation by mesocarnivores, Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho
Raptor nest inventory and status surveys via helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft, over 100 projects in Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado
Greater sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse lek surveys
GPS telemetry elk study, Raton Basin, Colorado
Experimental black-footed ferret surveys via helicopter, Natrona County, Wyoming
Mexican spotted owl habitat assessment, Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado
Waterfowl census, Duck Valley, Idaho and Nevada
Mountain plover and prairie dog habitat inventory and assessment, various projects in Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana
Drone Survey Services
Remotely piloted drone
High resolution photos
Vegetation mapping
Site inspections
We also provide thermal and 3D imaging, contour mapping, HDR video
Fast, efficient, innovative, and wider ranging survey data
Data that can be repeatedly reviewed
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) licensed, insured, and regulatory compliant
Operated safely and responsibly
Units have obstacle detection and collision avoidance technology