OIl and Gas
For decades, HWA has conducted wildlife baseline surveys, seasonal monitoring, and research activities associated with oil and gas projects throughout the West. HWA has produced hundreds of documents - compliance reports, permitting information, protection and reclamation plans, published research - as part of our work with the oil and gas industry. Our work supporting oil and gas exploration and development routinely includes:
Clearance surveys for T&E species
Grouse lek surveys and counts
Mountain plover habitat mapping and presence surveys
Raptor nest activity and production surveys
Bald eagle winter roost monitoring
Occupancy dynamics of pygmy rabbits
DDCT analysis for proposed development within sage-grouse core areas
Prairie dog colony mapping
Noise monitoring at sage-grouse leks
Compliance reporting
Avian protection plans
Reclamation plans
Wind energy
HWA conducts wildlife and plant surveys, monitoring, and research as part of all phases of wind energy development. Our experience includes:
GPS-based research and seasonal resource selection by mule deer
Aerial survey for golden eagle nests
Swift fox survey monitoring
Prairie dog colony mapping
Mountain plover habitat mapping
Acoustic monitoring of bats using Anabat detectors
Behavioral observation of golden eagles and other raptors in and around wind energy development
Pre- and post-construction point-counts for passerine birds
Greater sage-grouse research
HWA has extensive background in assisting the mining industry. HWA personnel have carried out baseline studies and written materials required for state and federal permits to mine. We have conducted annual biological monitoring surveys and written annual reports for numerous mines in Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and Nebraska. Services include:
Wildlife mitigation plans
Natural resource monitoring
Wildlife and plant monitoring
Threatened and endangered species surveys
Habitat assessments
Wetland delineation
Species inventories
Habitat suitability surveys
Mitigation planning and recommendations
Facilitation with local and federal agencies
HWA has conducted various surveys for pipelines and pipeline construction.
Monitoring programs
Environmental planning
Siting evaluations
Wildlife, plant, and wetland surveys
DDCT for construction activities in Wyoming greater sage-grouse habitat
HWA has extensive background in finding solutions to avian and wildlife interactions with powerlines. We are familiar with state and federal regulations and requirements. We stay up to date on current research and provide data driven solutions to resolve natural resource conflicts. Our services include:
Mitigation plans
Special use permits
Avian risk assessments
Habitat assessments
Monitoring programs
Wildlife and plant surveys
Bat monitoring
Threatened and endangered species monitoring
Siting evaluations