Environmental Research and Spatial Analysis
HWA is an issues-oriented research group with a focus on providing products that are readily amenable to application by our clients and the managing agencies in industrial siting, habitat protection, decision support, and other issues related to sustainable landscape management. HWA biologists know how to design research in a way that provides answers to sustainability problems, how to apply the latest methods and statistical tools, and how to present results in both scientific and non-scientific terms. Since the inception of our research branch in 2008, HWA biologists have presented and published their work widely. Representative projects include:
Control-impact study of pygmy rabbit occupancy dynamics in an area undergoing energy development
Severe-winter habitat for sage-grouse
Interaction between ravens and sage-grouse
Elk response to energy development
Range-wide occurrence and abundance of the dunes sagebrush lizard
Conservation of seasonal habitat for sage-grouse
Winter occurrence patterns among mule deer before wind energy development
Wildlife Trapping and Handling
Federal permits to capture and band particular wildlife species
Radio telemetry (VHF) and global positioning systems (GPS) telemetry using various transmitters (PTT, GSM, CTT)
Wide range of species handling, trapping, and body condition measurements
Specialized handling of Specific Species
Bat capture methods (i.e. mist-netting)
Amphibians and reptiles including the Dune Sagebrush Lizard (DSL)
Greater sage-grouse and sharp-tailed grouse
Raptors, most recently ferruginous hawks
Various bird species including ravens and songbirds
Big game, including elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, and pronghorn
Carnivores such as wolves, lynx, and weasels
Small mammals including Preble’s jumping mouse, Wyoming pocket gopher and Idaho pocket gopher
Waterfowl including ducks, geese, coots, pelicans, and cormorants
Large birds such as condors
Spatial Analysis & Modeling
HWA has experience in a wide variety of analyses, including:
Resource selection modeling
Spatial analysis and spatial modelling
Human/wildlife interactions
Habitat modelling
Estimation of detection probability and occupancy dynamics
Movement patterns and spatial ecology
Bias correction for habitat-related influences on fix success or location error